Thanks for that question. That links to the previous question as well quite nicely.
When I spoke about improved costing in departments, that requires two things. One is that it requires more guidance, benchmarks, things like that, from the centre to go to departments. That costing centre will handle that. The other thing is that Treasury Board Secretariat has always been responsible for challenging the costs that come in from departments on Treasury Board submissions. The recognition there is, to link it to a question from the first part of the meeting, if you're dealing with costing around AECL, that's pretty complicated stuff so there's a notion that depending on the nature of the project we may need some additional expertise at the centre to allow us to challenge costs. It's not just accountants. It could be engineers, depending on the nature of the work. That's the second part of that. Increased guidance to departments is number one. Number two is building up an expertise centre at Treasury Board Secretariat to deal with the really complex proposals to build on our existing challenge function.
It's a new centre. The idea of Treasury Board Secretariat challenging costs is not new. That's always been its job, but some of these things are quite complex. It's too early for me to say how many people will be resourced in that centre. Work has started there, but I don't think it's quite up to full speed yet.