is where you access all tender information. Under the old system, which was administered by a third party, Mediagrif, and which is called MERX, in that system when you downloaded a tender document, you were identified and anybody could see that you had downloaded it. Subs would reach out to those primes to see if they could get subcontracts. This is particularly of interest in the construction field, for instance, where electrical companies, etc., would like to do the electrical work on a major contract.
The principles of open data and privacy, which is what we're having via, is that you're allowed to download whatever information you'd like from the government and not be identified as someone downloading that information. has that provision now. We are putting measures in place whereby if a company would like others to see them, they can positively ask for that to happen; a prime could ask that their name be publicized for downloading. We're putting in that functionality.
As well, a number of the associations, the Canadian Construction Association, for example, are looking at also providing their own service where they can identify who's bidding on major contracts. There are workarounds, but the principle here is open data. The government's open data policy is really that you have the discretion to download information without being identified, so that is one of the trade-offs we have.