Thank you.
Our reductions were made, I think, in a couple of broad categories. One was areas where we could transform the way that we worked. So, for instance, we had a secretariat, a group of people who were supporting the operations subcommittee of cabinet, and the assistant deputy minister who ran that secretariat put her hand up and said, “You know what? We don't need this many people to do this, and we don't need a separate secretariat. We can change the way that we work and integrate ourselves in with the broader branch. We can do just as good a job with fewer people, but we'll have to change the way we work.” That's what they did. So that's an example of a transformation initiative.
Then the other way that we got the reductions was through good old-fashioned efficiencies. I'm sure that you've heard lots from my colleagues across the public service, but we did that. A number of efficiencies took place in my branch, but certainly also across the rest of the department.