Yes, I think it is very important. I was just reading a piece of research that is yet to be published here in the U.K., looking at barriers to open government data fulfilling the promise that was made at the beginning. One of the issues, it turns out, is around the implementation side of things, the numerous barriers that have been mentioned by some of the other speakers around implementation.
Another category of barriers is around the reuse space and increasing that demand for open government data. At the moment there's a demand from certain sectors that have been interested in seeing the potential value in open government data, but there are a lot of people out there working in local communities, in organized civil society, researchers who could potentially get a lot of value from open government data but have never heard of it, don't really understand what it is, don't understand the “open” about open government data—that it's reusable, rather than just something they can access—and things like that.
So increasing that knowledge within the broader community, I think, is really important.
Thank you.