My question will be directed to Mr. Adamson.
Mr. Adamson, Mr. O'Connor raised a question about advertising. Mr. O'Connor's belief is that advertising plays an important role in getting open data and active in people's lives, I think Mr. O'Connor is correct. There is a role to play here.
The minister's comment in reply to Mr. O'Connor was that it's not the government's job to advertise open data, that it's the job of the app creators to do that, if I'm paraphrasing correctly.
If you apply that logic, Treasury Board should not allow any advertising of tax relief for Canadians through the economic action plan; it actually should be H&R Block and TurboTax that do the advertising. I think that we would agree that's probably not the best way to get your information.
Why are we not advertising this program and this initiative? We have a multi-million dollar advertising program within the Government of Canada and for the minister's statement to be that it's inappropriate to use those resources to fund an initiative that the government itself claims to be a hallmark initiative of openness and transparency, there is a disconnect there.
Could you explain, Mr. Adamson, why we're not engaging in an advertising campaign to use some of those resources to get this initiative a little bit further along?