I can tell you that one of the strongest user bases for our dataset, DataBC, is the post-secondary sector. And while our analytics don't tell us exactly who's using the set, whether they're a student, teacher, instructor, professor, or researcher, it's clear that UBC is a big user, and SFU and other provincial post-secondary education institutions are really important.
In other areas of data access, we have other data agencies in British Columbia. Population Data BC is one that provides access to researchers for health-related data. That is much more constrained than the DataBC presence because it involves personal information. We have heard from the research community that they would like more available streamlined access to data that's relevant to them in those kinds of areas. You mentioned the commercialization and IP issues. The open data opportunity there is that our licensing allows people to go and repurpose it for whatever they're looking to do, and that includes commercial purposes. It's cleaner that way.