Just one comment on the certification side. As Pablo said, for a number of things that we buy in the Government of Canada, in the bid documents we actually refer to a standard, and people who bid must either attest or in some cases, be certified to...in terms of that product. So they must have had an independent third party come in and test their product or service to make sure it meets the standard, and that certification or testing must be current.
In other words, you don't just get tested once and then you're good for 10 years. There's a regular cycle when people come back and test your product again and again, and this can include laboratory testing of your product and samples as well.
I'd also like to say that in the past we've been certified. We do certification. People in the private sector will sometimes call us, and I'll be very frank with you, sometimes it's competitors who will say, “Someone is claiming they're certified to your standard. We don't think they are. You should check them out.” That has happened in the past. We do a standard for insulating blankets around hot water tanks,and I remember a number of years ago there was a company that was advertising, putting on our logo—certified by CGSB—and when this was brought to our attention, we checked it. They had never been part of our program whatsoever. It was simply not true. It was a false claim, so through our legal services we advised them to cease and desist, because in fact it was misrepresenting in the marketplace, and they then removed that from the marketplace.
So part of it is making sure the consumers understand what the certification means and also to do due diligence to the degree possible when it's brought to our attention and to act accordingly, and we do that.