I already provided some recommendations on this earlier so I will not repeat them. I also talked about balance among the committees, which is very important. It keeps everyone honest, if I may put it that way. It would be more difficult if it were led by a private organization.
I would like to draw a parallel with the Business Institutional Furniture Manufacturers Association, or BIFMA. Its operations are influenced by the revenues of businesses and manufacturers. I will give you the example of Steelcase Inc. In the 1990s—I do not know whether this is still the case—it owned 70% of the American market. This means that 70% of the BIFMA's operational budget was paid for by Steelcase.
Every company has a vote but, as I often say, some votes are more important than others. Obviously, If I am paying for 70% of your annual operational budget, I expect you to respond quickly when I call you.