I would add a couple of things to what Gilles has said.
I think the other important point is that not only is it a valuable organization for our industry, but it provides a considerable degree of value to Canadians more broadly as consumers of our products, to ensure they have confidence when they go to the pump or, if it's a commercial customer, to the card lock, or if it's the agricultural community. It ensures that the product they're buying is fit for purpose in all the conditions where they're going to use it. I think that's the big value. We're the deliverers and we're part of that value chain, but ultimately the real value of the work of the CGSB accrues to Canadians more broadly.
The other thing that I think would be important to communicate is that the model the CGSB has in terms of this very broad and balanced approach that involves multiple stakeholders—all the way from producers, through government regulators, through consumers—is a very important part of its success and must continue.