Thank you for that comment.
Yes, we are coming up with a new management system. I think it's been evolving over the last three to four years.
I guess would make a few comments on this. If you look at the public service of Canada, the structure of the Government of Canada, we have been essentially built up department by department over the last 50 years. We adopted technology in each department, in each agency, and through that, everyone developed their own system. We had separate HR systems, separate finance systems, and separate procurement systems, with 65 different e-mail systems. Not only did we build them up in each department, but because of the vast geography of this country, we had to build that out across the country.
You know, that all worked; technology was the adapter, the enabler. But I think what we see now in organizations, in the private sector and in other governments, is that it's not as efficient as it can be. Many of these functions are repetitive functions. Take accounts payable as an example. Do we need every department to have an accounts payable shop when you can actually bring this together? Technology allows us to do this.
I think the overall management objective here is to begin to consolidate. First, standardize so that we don't have all these different IT systems. We should have one HR IT system. We should have one finance IT system. We are now standardizing so that we will have one.
Once you can standardize, then you can consolidate those repetitive functions. Your strategic HR people always have to stay in the departments. You need those strategic people. But pay, for example, has already been consolidated. We've modernized our pay system. It was a 40-year-old system. We now have a new pay system, because you know what? When people don't get paid, they're not happy. That was beginning to happen with our old system.
Not only did we change the system, but we also consolidated all of the pay advisory functions in New Brunswick. They're in New Brunswick, in Miramichi. We did the same with pensions. We now have a new pension system, and we've brought the pension advisers into Shediac, New Brunswick. Those are great jobs in that part of the region. We have people who want to work there and who stay there.
And guess what? It creates economies of scale in providing advice to employees who want advice on their pensions. By consolidating, you take advantage of economies of scale. It's more effective, it's more efficient, and I think that is the model we're driving at.
Yes, we are implementing it. We've completed our pay modernization. We've completed pension and we've pretty well completed pay. The other area is Shared Services Canada, which is bringing together all our e-mail and our data centres. Do you know that we have over 400 data centres, as we call them? I probably have a data centre; I have a server in my office. We think we can get down to six or seven. Again, it's consolidation and standardization of some of that back office, which will allow us to be more effective and efficient.
I could talk about the management structure around the front office as well, delivering services to Canadians and making it less complicated for them to deal with their government.