Well, thank you very much for the question.
I have to say it has been a fascinating five years for me as Clerk of the Privy Council. I think it is one of the best jobs in Canada, if not the best job in Canada, though nobody really knows me across the country, which is also a good thing, at least when I get out of Ottawa. It has been a fascinating time for me, and followed up by my time as Secretary to the Treasury Board, I've seen the world from the centre for a long period of time. I was a line deputy for many years
I guess I've focused a lot on how to ensure that the public service will continue to be relevant for many, many years to come. I am biased. I do believe we have one of the best, if not the best, public services in the world. But we need to continue to adapt, adjust, and modernize how we do our business in order for us to continue to be relevant, both to Canadians, and of course to the government.
You know, there are many areas. For example, one area I've talked a lot about is the service side and internal services. I guess another area that we're looking at very seriously is our overall policy advice, the advice we give to ministers every day—and for me, the Prime Minister. How do we do that in a world where we're so connected?
There are so many experts out there. We have think tanks in Canada. We have academics. We have many experts out there. As I often like to say, when I came to government, I kind of had a monopoly. I had the best data in Canada. We've always had great data, through StatsCan and other means. I had the expertise. I had a master's degree in economics, so I felt I was well qualified. Also, I had a monopoly, which was my minister.
Well, today you can do good policy work, develop the policy options, and present that to the minister. Then he or she can go home, get on the Internet, and find a study from Berkeley on the subject I briefed him on in the morning, and say, “Why didn't you think of this?” That is a real challenge for us as we look ahead. How do we begin to be more adapters and integrators of knowledge? And it's not only the knowledge that we have, because we will always develop policy, but we also have to be able to reach out to our think tanks, again, to be more collaborative, and use the web 2.0 tools to begin to integrate and connect the dots. We're doing that a lot more.
The one advantage we will always have as the public service is that regardless of the policy, we can put the Canadian context on it. We live in almost every community in this country. We understand Canada. Canada is our Canada. We know it. We can therefore take whatever public policy issue we have and whatever advice is out there, not only in Canada, but in best practices around the world—which we must do—then bring it back to the Canadian context and provide that advice. That is a really wonderful challenge for us.
I've often said in speeches that as I come to the end of my career in the public service, I wish I were just starting. I think it's an exciting time for Canada, and it's going to be a tremendously exciting time for the public service of Canada.