This is a further question for Environment Canada. I have with me, Mr. Chair, “The 2012-2013 Scorecard Report”. it mentions the specific amendment that was made:
Through amendments to Environment Canada’s On-Road Vehicle and Engine Emission Regulations, $1.5 million of administrative burden on vehicle importers was reduced by eliminating the need for them to submit vehicle or engine identification numbers... and the dates they imported the vehicles as part of their declarations. Importers are now only required to submit one importation declaration to the Minister of Environment per year.
You mentioned earlier, Mr. Beale, that when you look to amend an old regulation or put in place a new one, you try to make sure that you only ask for information as it is pertinent and only when necessary. Is that in line with this example of the on-road vehicle and engine emission regulations and with the one-for-one rule in general?