Amendment NPD-11 reads as follows:
That Bill C-21, in clause 8, be amended by replacing line 18, on page 3, with the following:“done under this Act, except in the case of serious or irreversible environmental damage or an accident causing the death of a person.”
The chair feels that amendment NPD-11 is not in order. I will explain my decision.
The purpose of Bill C-21 is to create An Act to control the administrative burden that regulations impose on businesses. The bill states that the Crown has total immunity from all legal action or any other procedure. The purpose of the amendment would be to lift that immunity in certain cases.
TheHouse of Commons Procedure and Practice, second edition, page 766, states the following:
An amendment to a bill that was referred to a committee after second reading is out of order if it is beyond the scope and principle of the bill.
The chair is of the opinion that the amendment is contrary to the principles of the bill as adopted at second reading by the House on November 17. Consequently, I declare the amendment not receivable.
Since there are no other amendments to clause 8, we will vote.
(Clause 8 agreed to)