Mr. Chair, I would assure committee members that all disclosures are dealt with equally, are dealt with in the same manner, and are dealt with fairly with justice and equity in mind.
Every discloser and every reprisal complainant has the right to be assisted by whomever he or she wishes. In some cases that's legal counsel, and in some cases that's a union representative. The importance of establishing and maintaining good relationships not only with a discloser or a complainant but also with whomever is their representative is of extreme significance to us.
That's why, Mr. Chair, on our external advisory committee we currently have representatives from the Canadian Association of Professional Employees, the Association of Canadian Financial Officers, the Public Service Alliance of Canada, the Association of Professional Executives of the Public Service of Canada, and the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada. We feel it's very important to build a community of support among both the people who would come to our office as individuals and also those organizations that can help and assist those people in making an informed decision about whether to come to our office.
I would see the role of the unions being very important in helping potential disclosers and complainants in making that kind of informed decision.