It's hard to answer that question. The only information we have is when there's actually a complaint within the scope and the responsibility of the commission, and when we actually assess a situation for wrongdoing. But it's always in the context of a hiring process or a processus d'embauche, a staffing process. We hold that information, or if somebody made a complaint, then we would actually through our pouvoir d'enquĂȘte and be able to acquire information.
Based on that information, commissioners make a decision on whether or not corrective action should be taken. That information is within the scope of the commission. What we often do through our corrective action is to prevent people from applying again within the public service, because they were found responsible for fraud, such as cheating on an exam or falsifying documentation. That's why I was saying that the information that we hold is very much linked to their employability. By being able to direct that information to the deputy heads, we have the means to inform them that there are specific conditions put on the future employability of a person.
But anything else is within the scope of the deputy heads or the Treasury Board.