Mr. Chair, I have not had the requirement or the opportunity to seek extra funds, because we've been able, quite thankfully, to manage within our budgets. I know there have been structural changes. There used to be something called the parliamentary panel that was responsible for dealing with matters of financial administration of agents of Parliament.
With respect to independence, it is essential to what we do in our office. I won't speak on behalf of other agents of Parliament, but I am very confident in being able to presume their unquestioning agreement with me with respect to the overriding importance of our independence.
As I said, as commissioner for the last month I haven't had the opportunity yet to explore the challenges that may or may not be posed by existing structures, but it is something that I am extremely finely attuned to. One of my core responsibilities, of course, is protecting the independence of the functioning of our office, which to date has been, in my view, unqualified.