Oh yes, for prototype products, we see in mature sectors such as electrical or plumbing that the cost of prototyping a new product could be up to 50% of the expected revenues for the first year. If you multiply the number of requirements, that makes Canadian SMEs less competitive.
I'll contrast this with what is happening in the European Union. For the past 20 to 25 years the European Union has been putting a system in place so that once our European counterpart to the SCC, CENELEC, approves a standard, every single country under the commission, the European Union, will have to adopt that same standard and withdraw any competing standards from their books. We're talking here about France, Germany, and Italy. The Europeans have created a common market of 600 million consumers.
Here in Canada, because jurisdictions within Canada are not aligned, we hear industry telling us that they sometimes have to do two, three, or four tests for products in order to access the Canadian market. In the U.S., it's one or two. Generally speaking, it is one for the continental U.S. and then one additional one for California, because California has more stringent requirements for energy efficiency and those types of things. But that is two tests for 350 million people versus two, three, or four tests here for a market of 35 million people. That's why we believe there's a really urgent need to align standards among jurisdictions in Canada.