Thank you. I'd like to try to answer your question.
We have two standards for organic food in Canada. We have the organic agriculture standard and the organic aquaculture standard. They are both national standards of Canada.
They were financially supported by Agriculture Canada. We call that the sponsor. I believe CFIA also contributed to them. They are in regulations. Part of the rationale for having standards is for transparency for consumers, so that when they're buying something they know what they're actually buying and there's consistency in quality.
The standards themselves don't go into the details of the actual product, whether it's honey or not. I can give you a sort of line to tell you what they actually do. They outline the principles of how to increase the quality and durability of the environment through specific management and production methods. They focus on many things, including the humane treatment of animals, but they do not make specific claims about the health, safety, or nutrition. So they outline principles for how you run an organic practice.