I'm going to answer that in a second. I'm sorry but I do want to clarify one thing, and I'm sure you've had this from a number of people who have appeared here. I do agree this is a very complex business. It has many different levels and it touches on many different areas. It's part of my job today to try to be transparent and clear to help answer these questions. As a standards organization—and as you know, there are now eight of them in Canada, and we're one of them—our task is to write standards that meet the needs of somebody. It could be business. It could be government in terms of necessary regulation, or it could be voluntary to fill a gap where there's a need.
We have no authority whatsoever in CGSB to compel anybody to use any of our standards. A lot of our standards, for example, are taken up by a businesses that wants to use those standards to leverage their business, to improve the quality of their process, and to increase their market access by demonstrating they meet a certain level of quality. There is a market component to this. I'll be very frank with you: it's been my experience that often it's small businesses that don't have time to go out and do the investment and the research and development who are the ones who benefit the most from these voluntary standards because they can simply pick them up and apply them to their business model, and suddenly they're getting the intelligence from the bigger organizations.