We did consider what information we would need to provide to help the average Canadian or the average user navigate through the information. For the initial installment of the expenditure database, we have taken the approach of providing quick instructions on this landing page. So a user could get a very simple idea of what information is contained within the expenditure database and follow it as they would other web pages, to follow their train of thought through the pages that they discover and the information that's there. The difficulty with presenting this type of information, and in most cases any financial information, is that sometimes it is quite difficult to digest at first glance. If you are looking for a particular thing, it's much easier to search for that item. If you are looking for a general feel, it takes more time to work through that.
We are exploring other changes and presentations, either graphically or otherwise, for accessing and working with this information so that more users can feel comfortable accessing it in different ways that fit their own specific needs.