Absolutely. There you would start to do a payroll project, and you would implement the payroll project with 10 people, at one department. You would uncover some learning, and then you would apply that to the next 20 people. After a while you'd say, “I think we've got this. Let's try another department—maybe the RCMP. They're a little different. They have some security rules and stuff. Let's try 10 or 20 people at the RCMP.” And so on and so forth.
You can see it in the team, because the team will start to say, “We've got this.” But in the traditional approach today, the team's going, “We're in big trouble.” They don't want to say anything because they have a deadline. They've been told by their superiors that they must do this and by that time.
The leadership approach is to clear the path. I want you to implement a payroll system. Come and see me when you have anything that gets in the way, and I will clear the path. The leadership approach is clear-the-path leadership. It's not “this is how you will do it, this is when you will do it, and this is how much it will cost”. When you do that you're setting artificial boundaries and constraints on the project, and the team doesn't know yet. The bureaucrats know that they don't know, and that's just called stress.