I think you can do both. I think you can contract out. You can use existing procurements and buy people, or you can say, “We're trying to get this outcome,” and you can write a procurement around that outcome and then implement it in increments. You can say, “We want you to come in, but we have an out every 90 days. We're going to have three vendors and you're going to go for the first 90 days. If you're pathetic, we're going to go to vendor number two.” Vendors might push back a bit and say, “Well, you're pathetic on the government side”, and you could have some of that. But I think this would work a lot better and it would mitigate risk.
The stakes aren't as high. It's not $50 million, where stakes are really high. If the stakes are $100,000, maybe in the long term, if I perform as a vendor, I will get that big prize over time. But I'm only going to get $250,000 in the first 90 days.