You can absolutely create an environment of competition, but again, I'd go back to this: Is value your number one driver? Do you want value or do you want competition? Does competition drive value? Yes. Okay, so let's do more competition.
You can always set it up and structure it. If I have to be in an environment where I have to have competition, because that's part of my mandate, that's the world I live in, okay, then we do it. However, too often the outcome is driven by internal requirements versus the value that we want to drive for citizens.
A citizen says, “I want to get my cheque.” You say you can't do that, because you have to be competitive. Well, maybe you do, but underlying the real thing you're trying to do is create value for the citizen through program delivery. If you stay focused on that, then everything else comes into perspective underneath it. If you lose track of that, then competition or the lowest price becomes the most...then you're going to run into trouble, I think.