In terms of the procurement strategies, of course, that form the base of the procurement action plan, if you can put it that way—they include the consideration of exactly this, so that we can understand what the options are. One of them is to ensure that SMEs have access, but we can also produce meaningful tools that help SMEs be part of a supply chain. They don't necessarily have to be a tier one supplier, but they can be a very effective tier two or tier three. The trick is to build the partnership.
For example, on our Buyandsell tendering website, we have a feature now where anyone who goes in and looks at a tender can self-declare and say: “Hi, I'm Bob. This is my company. This is what I do. I'm interested in working with somebody else who would like to put a proposal around this.” That is to actually facilitate this kind of matching of suppliers to other suppliers so they can start to consider options. This allows them to reach larger volumes and larger procurements that perhaps they themselves couldn't do but that in partnership with others they can.
The other thing we do through our Buyandsell website is give access to a huge amount of data that allows businesses to understand and analyze how the procurements were done previously and what the winning bids were. It gives them business intelligence that allows them to be more competitive and to be more effective when they go to bid.
We're trying to make all of these tools available to the supplier community.