Thank you for the question.
The vast majority of companies that contact us tend to be small and medium-sized enterprises that have questions or are looking for help or answers in terms of the procurement process.
Our annual report identifies or lists their top procurement issues, questions, or concerns. What our experience has been is that in the vast majority of instances where suppliers contact us, they have questions in terms of the procurement process. They're not necessarily understanding the rules, the procedures, or what they have to do in order to do business with the Government of Canada, because that approach in terms of doing business with the public sector differs fairly fundamentally from the way business is done in the private sector.
Most of the questions we receive have to do with how to do business with the Government of Canada or with understanding some of the rules and the procedures associated with that. In those instances, for those who are having a bit of a hard time getting into the game in terms of doing procurement, we often—if not always—recommend that they contact the Office of Small and Medium Enterprises.
Our annual report outlines the most common concerns that we hear from small and medium-sized enterprises and from everyone who contacts us.