Even though the full complement of committee members is not quite with us, I think we'll begin, it being 11:02.
I first want to welcome all of the guests who are with us today. We have representatives from the Treasury Board Secretariat, Public Service and Procurement Canada, and the Office of the Procurement Ombudsman.
We will have opening statements from three of our selected guests as per the norm, and then we'll go into our rounds of questioning.
Welcome, all of you, and thank you for being here.
Also, welcome to some of our new committee members who are here, at least for today's proceedings.
From the Treasury Board Secretariat, we have with us Kathleen Owens, who is the assistant comptroller general, acquired services and assets sector, and Mr. Mark Schizkoske.
I hope I'm pronouncing that correctly, Mark. As it's coming from another Ukrainian, I think you can understand that I'm trying to get it close to the correct pronunciation.
We also have with us Madam Reza and Mr. Gray, both from the Public Services and Procurement Canada offices, and Mr. Ieraci, from the Office of the Procurement Ombudsman.
Thanks to all of you for being here, ladies and gentlemen.
Without further ado, Madam Owens, I understand you have an opening statement.