Perhaps I'll take a stab at this, and then we can look over to my colleagues.
We are already witness to something very similar to what you've described, in the context of defence procurement under the industrial and technical benefits policy. It's the use of the value proposition.
Within that policy and the use of the value proposition, you have there technical, as well as financial, and then you have the use of the value proposition. One of the benchmarks that they're using is a 10% weighting for value proposition elements. There they're looking at, for example, sustainment of defence industry, bolstering the supplier base, proliferation of export potential, and so on and so forth, as part of their criteria.
Therefore, you have an example already, outside of the context of trade agreements. It is a good example. It is working very well. We currently have in the tens of billions of dollars under that particular policy, and 100% of those dollars is going to Canadian businesses.
In the frame of what is covered under trade agreements, then, if you're looking at what is covered under trade agreements, part of our procurement modernization efforts over at PSPC is to do just that: to look at exactly how we can operate under trade agreement obligations to employ socio-economic criteria, whatever those may be. We have to make sure they're objective, we have to make sure they're quantifiable, and we also have to make sure they're agnostic to local development—domestic content, for example—and that they adhere to our trade agreement obligations.
This is what we're looking at presently and where hoping to move forward in the coming months.