Absolutely. Thank you very much for throwing me a bit more time on that one there as well.
The Australian government procurement, indigenous procurement policy, started July 2015. It has three main parts.
A targeted number of contracts need to be awarded to indigenous businesses. By the Australian government financial year from 2019-20, the target is to hit 3% of all domestic Commonwealth procurement going to aboriginal businesses.
There's also a mandatory set-aside where departments must first look to indigenous businesses for all remote area contracts and all other domestic contracts between the value of $80,000 and $200,000.
There's a minimum indigenous participation requirement for contracts that are valued above $7.5 million, which means that there's either a contract-based requirement where the contract needs to achieve at least 4% of indigenous employment or supplier use, or it's an organizational-based requirement, where the organization delivering the contract has to achieve 3% indigenous employment or supplier use.
That's an overview of that strategy.