In the context of your committee's discussion, it's a benchmarking system, the same as we have for employment equity in the labour section that looks after benchmarking.
I just want to caution you on that, because we have really bad results in some of the federally regulated employment areas. You get these glowing reports of some of the best practices, until you read the data. If you didn't know about the data and just read all of the best practices, or you went to their awards galas and people were incentivized....
Benchmarking and incentivization are something we could think about for federal departments, to incentivize them to do better on PSAB and on procurement spend generally. PSAB is just one component of the procurement spend. There is indigenous minimum, indigenous content, and supplier development, which we really haven't talked about. How do we get these indigenous companies to grow and compete so we don't have to structure the procurement system so that they can get something?