You had a two-barrelled question there.
At its root, one had to do with financial management and the issue of that interim between delivering the product or service and ultimately getting paid. That's a problem small businesses face with almost any supplier, not just government. Whether it's worse with government or not, I don't know. I don't have data on that, but it's certainly an issue for a large number of small businesses.
A 2003 study by a couple of Canadian academics found that the most frequent cause of failure among small businesses is financial error, so part of the issue relates to the financial literacy of our whole small business landscape and the ability of small business owners to bridge that kind of gap.
That's a fascinating story, but certainly it's an issue in failure, and it's an issue in management, meeting payroll. I know that the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada, the CPA, and private sector corporations are undertaking major initiatives in terms of trying to bring up the level of financial knowledge among Canadian business owners. That is a huge issue all by itself.