Mr. Drouin, this is a good point for me to emphasize inflect something that I've been waiting to do for this group. It's my mantra here; that is, the powers of positive deviance.
We have to spend time to find out where things are working and understand why, even if it's a minority; learn from that, and then find a way to replicate it. With examples of where things have worked, we say if this has worked over here and there was a good outcome, then how can we approach the development of an entrepreneur or business or find a way to marry this company and that company together? I'd say that a large part of our success is finding what works, the power of positive deviance, and trying to replicate it.
The challenge that we've had is that there have have been many occasions when an aboriginal group or entrepreneur has come to the table and not been fully qualified. They don't have the big plan on how they're going to source their workers, how they're going to have a trained set of workers, etc., and then sometimes they're not successful in their bid.
It's about being honest and transparent with them on why they didn't succeed, what they could have done to win that bid, and giving them some input on their business development plans and what they need to do to be successful, as opposed to just saying, you weren't successful. We've seen many companies that have been the second or third bidder. Over the years they have developed a capable workforce, an infrastructure, brought the right people on board, and then suddenly they earn the business. If we share with them why they haven't been successful, and are open and transparent, they then have something to work on and what it's going to take to win.
I can't emphasize enough that there are a lot of examples out there, and they grow every year, on what's working. If you could just assemble that group of those who are succeeding, and learn from it, then we could all collectively benefit from it.