Thank you all for being here.
It's interesting to listen to you. When you said “real job”, I thought, “Is this a dinoceras environment, or what?” I wasn't going to call it an elephant, because an elephant can run pretty fast.
I'm listening to you carefully and I'm trying to balance government and business. The business aim is to make profit. Business is agile; governments are not.
Mr. French, I think you have been within the government and you know how unagile it is.
When you were responding to my colleague's question about being agile and how it is the step forward, within the confines of what the government has to do to protect itself from a legal perspective, from a security perspective, how would you change the mindset?
You suggested a risk officer. You're putting another bureaucracy on top, and we have had enough, you know? How would you solve it in an agile manner?