I can't really talk to all that's going on within the government, but there's been a demographic transition. A lot of the older and more experienced people have retired. A number of the other people who have the expertise within the departments, have been promoted, and unfortunately that leaves the inexperienced people with the day-to-day responsibility for getting the RFPs out on the street. The big difference between how this is seen on the government side and how this is seen on the industry side is that responding to requests for proposal is the most important thing we do. If we don't win work, we're out of business, so it's handled by very senior, very experienced people in our organizations. On the opposite side of the table are the 20 and 30 year olds, and there is not adequate quality assurance of the documentation that goes out. Some of it is just really poor.
The government needs to work on its processes but because it doesn't have enough expertise internally, that tends to fall to the bottom of the queue. There is the essential of getting an RFP out because department X wants something done. The government is not a learning organization. It's not an organization that practises continuous improvement.
We are all required to have ISO 9000 certification. There is no equivalent, from our perspective, going on in the government.