The Shared Services Canada plan will hurt small businesses, like Klondike Business Solutions. Klondike is an indigenous-owned and -operated small business based in Whitehorse and one of our dealers that relies on federal government business. The plan will hurt companies like Modern Business Equipment. This is a business owned by a woman entrepreneur named Judy Mallard. It employs more than two dozen people and has been a business for over 50 years in St. John's and Corner Brook, Newfoundland. The plan will hurt companies like TOP Office Products in Brockville that is owned by Jan and Carol Risberg and currently supporting four other employees. Jan is actually sitting behind me here.
He wanted to attend this hearing today because he's so concerned about the effect SSC's plan will have on his business. There are dozens and dozens of dealers and small business people just like these whose business will be undermined by SSC's plan to end competition. These are proud people. They're not looking for handouts. They just want to be able to compete for government business as they always have. The government needs to stop Shared Services Canada from implementing its plans for office printers and copiers or at least modify it, so that it doesn't hurt the small and medium-sized businesses that make up our dealer networks. Canon and Sharp and our 132 dealers across Canada just want to compete.
Thank you again to the committee for inviting us to speak. We'd be happy to do our best to answer any questions you might have for us.