It doesn't make sense to me either, Dave. With the removal of these nine suppliers, Shared Services Canada is also removing that fierce competition that's led to low pricing and top-notch service levels in recent years.
In our view, this is a Shared Services Canada solution in search of a problem. The government has publicly stated that it wants government procurement to be more open, more agile, and innovative. It appears to us that Shared Services Canada didn't get the memo. They're taking an open and agile process that allows government to access innovation within the print industry and changing it to a closed process that will be locked for a minimum of six to eight years. This will limit the government's access to new and innovative technologies constantly emerging in our dynamic industry.
The Government of Canada is by far and away the largest single buyer of printers, copiers, and related support services in the country. Shared Services Canada's plan for these office printers and copiers hurts many dealers in smaller communities across Canada, especially those in the more remote regions of the country where federal government contracts support jobs and help our local dealer partners validate the quality of the products and services they offer to the other companies in their communities.