I certainly understand the attractiveness of Shared Services in terms of value for taxpayers, for consistency, and so forth.
In professional services, though, it could unintentionally become another layer between the service provider and the end-user. That's a little bit of a challenge because, particularly if you want outcome-based procurement, we need to understand the needs.
I'll use a past life in the provincial government. The judges drive what a courthouse looks like, but you don't get to spend face time with a judge. When they want a window changed so they can overlook Lake Ontario, it's going to happen whether at 90% of design or 10% of design.
Because we had to work through an intermediary every decision, every change, takes that much longer. As I alluded to, early in the design you can accommodate a lot, late in the design, very little. We like the notion of consistency, but if there is another agency—if there are more hands that paper has to pass through, or files have to pass through—then we just feel that both architects and we are that much more removed from the client or the end-user of our services.