I do not see any other questions coming from our committee. On behalf of our committee, thank you so very much, Mr. Cornelius and Mr. Parker.
The testimony you have given today, at least from my personal standpoint, has been illuminating. I think that our government—not just the current government but all governments, past, present, and future—could learn a lot from the approach you have been taking in your dealings with small businesses and your attempts to promote small business in the United States. It has been fascinating.
Should you have any additional information you wish to provide that you think would be of benefit to our committee, I would recommend that you contact our clerk directly. Obviously, we don't want to get into a cross-border dispute about which government approaches its dealings with small business better, but it has been helpful. I can guarantee you that.
I wish we could have had the video portion of this conference for the benefit of all our committee members, but your testimony has been well received. Once again, thank you so much.