May I add to that? I totally agree. I think it's a journey. It's not something that you're going to be able to change over the next few years. It's a change in culture, in how the procurement officers actually view the vendors and the contract managers view their partners. They don't view them in a lens as if they are a partner and they want to work with them. It's a major culture change.
What you can do, though, is a lot of training. There are a lot of training programs out there. We have a three-day training program on relationships management, and complex contracting. The ICW, the Institute for Collaborative Working, offers three or four really good programs, such as ISO 44001 and 44002.
In terms of a training program, I know that here in town, we helped Telfer, for example, to set up their relational contracting program. There are a lot of things that the government is doing in partnership with Telfer and other academia to promote the idea that you need to have flexible business arrangements and you need to manage those complex relationships. There are a lot of training programs out there. That's what you need to do.