Mr. Simms, did you not want the five minutes? Okay. We'll share.
Thank you so much, Mr. President of the Treasury Board, and thanks to your officials. That was quite a funny little end to the Canada 150 festivities. I won't go there.
I will go back to Phoenix, because as a member of the public accounts committee, I can say that it has been occupying and preoccupying us a great deal.
Going forward, I know that this item called “stabilization of the Government of Canada's pay system” is a chunk of the supplementary estimates (C). I know that one of the big items will be hiring or completing the hiring of the new pay experts that you need to get this done properly. There will be some IT expenses too.
How do we expect to get this resolved in the reasonable amount of time that our public service should expect it to be resolved in? By that, I mean less than a year, so that we don't drag this out for five, six, and seven years like Australia had to do in one much smaller instance. Do you think this amount will be sufficient to try to address this issue within that limited scope of time?