It's an awkward employment situation, isn't it, though, because CNL is not.... The employer is a company...if they are the employer, because the employees stay with CNL regardless of who gets the management contract, and I think that's a five-year management contract. If a private contractor comes in to manage the assets of CNL, including the employees, they're not technically the employer because if the management contract changes those same employees will stay with CNL. They'll be managed by the new contractor. Are the employees CNL employees, and where does CNL fit if CNL is not the employer? Or are they the employer, and then there's a management contractor?
It seems to me to be a deliberately vague employment scenario, the consequence of which is that while these employees won't be the employees of whoever's hired to manage the assets of CNL, they remain with CNL as if they continued to work for the government, just as the assets nominally remain government assets, but the effect is that they're shut out of some of the benefits of working for the government. That seems to me to be a strange way to structure the management of those assets. The only really obvious substantive outcome is that those employees are shut out of the pension plan.