It's good to see you. It's been a long time, Mr. Pagan and Ms. Santiago.
A couple of days ago, when we were having the estimates briefing, we were talking about the departmental reports and the departmental results reports. Who is responsible for the editorial content of those and in the estimates? The reason I ask is that some of the items here.... We talked about pillar four being to provide higher-quality information on performance targets and results, and we talked about the difficulty in making our way through the estimates and understanding them. I want to read a couple of the items here.
We have $3.5 million to ensure the smooth functioning of courts and greater access to justice for all. We have money for grant payments for strengthening Canadian identity, amplifying the office of the Governor General, and helping build a stronger Canada. Who is writing this stuff?
It doesn't make it very transparent what the money is being used for. I want to get back to the departmental reports and why I'm asking who is responsible for them. The former PBO Kevin Page commented that they're merely communication vehicles for the government, and that no one uses them because there's no value to them. I point you to the Public Services departmental plan, where it doesn't even mention Phoenix, but it talks about one of their achievements being the Canada Post report, where we spent a long time travelling across the country and spent $500,000 of taxpayers' money.
The government didn't even respond to the report, but among her achievements she notes that she thanked the committee for the report and the hard work. We spend $500,000 travelling the country for Canada Post—whether they broke their promise or not is beside the point here—but in the departmental report there's no real comment about what they're actually doing or their achievements. Who is responsible for ensuring that you're actually fulfilling pillar number 4? If it should be the minister, let me know and we'll skip to other questions.