I'll be very brief. Minister. Thank you for committing to come back to discuss whistle-blowers. People's lives are still being destroyed. There are lives being destroyed by lack of proper whistle-blower protection.
We have a motion on hand right now that we submitted February 5:
That the Committee invite the President of the Treasury Board to provide a briefing on the progress made by the current government in implementing the recommendations made by the Committee in its report to Parliament on strengthening the Public Service Disclosure Protection Act, to better protect whistleblowers who speak out against wrongdoing in their departments, and that the meeting be held no later than March 29, 2018.
This is the same motion that we brought in about two months ago that the government side voted down to prevent Mr. Brison from attending, so I'd like to put through this motion now and have a recorded vote on it.
Then we could move back to the estimates, seeing that the minister has kindly agreed to come back.