Thank you, Madam Chair, and thank you again, witnesses, for being here today
I know that there are a lot of things being balanced right now. You're shifting from the old system vis-à-vis timing into the new system, so we have two streams happening at once, but it's good to see that the legacy system is being maintained while we're implementing the new system to make sure that there are no gaps in service. I think that's to be commended, but I know it gives you a little bit of extra work to do. I appreciate your being here. I only have five minutes, but I have a number of questions.
There is more to the new system I think than just the alignment, of course. It's also the transparency component, I'll call it, and a lot of that has to do with the reporting and information. Really, to get the full picture, someone would have to drill down into the numbers. The departmental plans are really just a segue into those numbers. I want to talk about InfoBase. Does that allow the public to look at these expenditures, if they're so inclined, and have access to the same numbers that we have here at the committee?