I can start the response. I have three points to make. We've been to this committee before in terms of this program and looking for one-time funding, because the volume of Canadian Armed Forces members who are returning, falling ill, and being medically released has been increasing. The biggest portion of the funding that's required this time around, so of that $623 million, is related to an increase in volume. That's what's driving the cost.
One of the reasons we have to make this lump sum payment now is that actually there's the contract we have with Manulife, which provides the benefits to these medically released Canadian Armed Forces members. There's a condition in the contract that in order for it to be financially sustainable, they need to keep at least 40% of all of the premiums they're going to receive for this plan in a reserve. The reserve has gone into deficit, because more and more CAF members are falling ill and becoming medically released, and are taking advantage of these benefits. Manulife has paid out their claims, so we are now in deficit. The point of this one is to top up that deficit.