One of our mandate commitments is.... The service agenda of government is being led by Treasury Board, but one of the big parts of it is that you can't talk about government services today without talking about digital services. Right now we're a Blockbuster government serving a Netflix citizenry, and we have to up our game in terms of digital services.
Canadians wonder why they can't get the same quality of service from their government when they renew a passport as they've come to expect from Amazon when they buy something. We set up over the last year the Canadian digital services unit, which is modelled after the U.S. government digital services unit and the U.K. government digital services unit.
The U.S. one was set up by President Obama in 2013, and that's because on October 1, 2013, Obamacare was introduced in the U.S. On that day, 4.7 million Americans tried to register for health care on, and only six Americans succeeded. There was a big screw-up, and sometimes big failures create the environment for new start-ups, and that's what we're doing in terms of this start-up.