One of the things I'd like to come back to the committee to discuss are the departmental results frameworks, which is a very different reportage of departments to Parliament. It is much more results-focused than ever before. In the past, reports were focused on outputs. We are trying to focus reporting on outcomes. In the past, reports were focused on processes. We want to focus on objectives and what we actually get done on behalf of people.
The indicators you will see in the departmental results framework first of all relate to objectives that we believe Canadians would share and understand. The old reporting was not one that I think was understandable or pertinent to citizens.
That's something where I'd like to come back sometime and have a more in-depth discussion, and go through and compare the old program architecture reports and the new departmental results framework so that you can see. We can do it in a couple of departments to show the difference. What it is doing is creating an alignment between the government ministers and the public service. In terms of a transparent reportage process to citizens, that ensures we're keeping our eye on the ball in terms of what we're trying to achieve.
I would like to come back and spend more time on that, and program-based reportage—the work we're doing with Transport, as an example—which provides a lot more detail than you would have had in the past.
I mean the objective here... I think the changing of the sequencing of the budget and the main estimates is an important step forward. It will take time to achieve the full results of that. You're dealing with the machinery of government in terms of Finance, Treasury Board, and departments. It is a significant change. I looked at the gold standard in terms of budget estimates process. I like the Australia model, where budget and estimates come out basically simultaneously. From an efficiency perspective and an accountability perspective, I think it's really good. We're moving in that direction, and I think that's positive.