We've repeatedly heard the talking points from various ministers and officials who continue to say that this is their top priority, that they are leaving no stone unturned, which was the latest comment. I know what she meant, but given how little progress has been made on this, one wonders whether they are literally looking under stones for a solution. This goes on and on. There is nothing concrete that we can see that has resulted in thousands of public servants having restoration of their pay and benefits.
We know that this is a problem that snowballs. It continues to expand exponentially because of the government's inability to get on top of it and correct the problems. Many Canadians, certainly on the opposition side, and the many public servants, don't understand and can't understand why adequate resources weren't applied to solve this problem when it first arose. The warning signs were there. The government ignored them. Standing up in the House day after day and saying that they feel for those affected and they are going to do what it takes to get it done....
Now is the time for results, Mr. Chair. I think it's time that we had the minister come before this committee and give us—not just a 30-second talking-point answer in question period—a detailed explanation and accountability for this problem, and get this problem solved.