Yes, and that is the beauty of having a somewhat smaller organization, which is also more flexible with fewer management systems operating in parallel. We are already preparing to develop cost models for defence. We already have a macroeconomic model in place. As of this summer, we will be using an approach to prepare ourselves mentally, as this will be a first experience for us, as well. So that is the beauty of a small flexible organization that can respond quickly.
We have two groups, some 30 analysts and two or three other people who will essentially be focusing on cost analysis during the election period. Will we succeed? My colleague Mr. Jacques—he also acts as the principal of the cost estimate and budget analysis team—and myself realize that it will be demanding, but we think we will manage it.
That said, Australia is the only other country with a PBO that does that type of calculation. You are completely right, as he received requests up until the last day before the election, and that is exactly what our legislation says. Political parties can submit requests for cost analysis until the day before the election.