The next question I want to ask on the Phoenix file has to do with the money in the supplementary estimates to pay public sector unions the dues that are owed to them. Of course, I presume it's an advance and that it is going to be recovered from employees at some point, but I also understand that at the moment, part of the problem is that we can't actually say what a particular employee owes in dues and we don't have the confidence to say what they owe.
What process is happening right now, and what does that process look like, in order to arrive at a point at which the government can say with confidence—not just in themselves, but that employees can have confidence—that they'll know for each employee what union dues are owed?
We've heard a lot of stories in which employees are approached—and I know there was a recent announcement about this in terms of recovery of emergency pay, but it has been a persistent problem with Phoenix—and are told: “You owe us this much money. Give it to us now”, and in fact, “We're going to take it off your cheque, and if that means your whole cheque is gone, so be it: we want our money back.”
Are we going to live a similar nightmare? Are federal employees going to live a similar nightmare with their union dues, when government decides it wants this money back?