In terms of the TBD, there is a process—which the comptroller general is leading—following the fall report to the Auditor General, to determine with departments and agencies what their individual expenditures have been on Phoenix, above and beyond their normal pay operations.
Departments serviced by the pay centre were to have realized savings of $70 million a year. Those monies have been left in departments for three years, from last year through this year and and into next year, with the expectation that those funds will be dedicated to HR to pay activities to support staff.
The comptroller general will be reporting on that TBD figure in the coming weeks—in my understanding, by the end of May.
From a PSPC perspective and that of the $645 million, most of the funding has been spent to date on rebuilding capacity, in terms of human resource compensation staff and advisers. We've gone from 550 compensation staff when we went live in 2016 to about 1,400 now, and more are on the way.